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Cs 261 uic

Extensive computer use required. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in CS 141; or Grade of C or better in CS 107. The option to use CS 107 as a prerequisite (in place of CS 141) is only for Computer Engineering majors or Contact Information: Campus Location: 1120 Science and Engineering Offices (SEO) Student Services Office: 905 SEO (312) 996–3422, Student Services Office: (312) 996–3463 Administration: Professor and Head of the Department, Robert Sloan Director of Undergraduate Studies, Joe Hummel, Computer science is a relatively young but … Data representation and computer arithmetic; machine language; addressing; memory hierarchy; subroutines; data structures; processor architecture: hardwdare components, pipelining | CS 261: Machine Organization is a course taught at University of Illinois at Chicago by If you have questions, please send them to the course staff at i426 at If the question or answer are of general interest, please post it to Piazza. Failure to follow this rule may be viewed as violation of the collaboration policy.

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