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2020-06-08 · Yilport Leixões in Porto, Portugal, handled 182,000 teu in the first quarter of the year, representing a sizeable 8% increase, as the operator embarks on an expansion project. The terminal handled 71,350 teu in March 2020 alone, setting a new record in the container segment, while roll-on roll-off (ro-ro) volumes were up by 3.6%. YILPORT Leixões, first, and Yilport Iberia recently, sponsored this important initiative from the very first day. Email: leixoes.info@yilport.com. Newsletter Yilport Leixoes, the largest seaport in the north of Portugal - courtesy of Yilport Holdings. By The Maritime Executive 06-11-2020 08:01:55 Throughout the week, but now ashore, YILPORT Leixões received 3,760 containers at the container yard and shipped 4,543, for a total of another 8,303 units handled. News The Company Overall, national ports processed 1,116,139 TEU by the end of May. Because times are difficult, it is important to note that this succession of record results from YILPORT Leixões is only possible with the effort and self-sacrifice of all those who work here, and that it will never be too much to underline.

Yilport leixoes

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Mas vamos por partes. É verdade que a ambição e o dinheiro não faltam ao operador portuário turco Yilport, que já é o 12º maior a nível mundial e ascendeu ao segundo lugar entre os europeus, dono dos terminais de contentores do porto de Leixões. Yilport Holding Inc. perustettiin elokuussa 2011 Yildirim Groupin tytäryhtiöksi vahvistamaan konsernin konttiterminaali- ja satamatoimintoja. Nykyisin Yilport Holding toimii maailmanlaajuisesti 22 satamassa ja terminaalissa, joista viisi sijaitsee Turkissa, seitsemän Portugalissa, kaksi Espanjassa, kaksi Ruotsissa ja yksi Norjassa, Maltalla, Italiassa, Perussa, Ecuadorissa ja Guatemalassa.


Yilport Gävle - Canal Midi

Fact is that on that day, a single day, were unloaded / loaded 2,091 containers, which corresponded to 3,369 TEU. In October, the Yilport Leixões (as now called the TCL) handled 64 136 TEUs. A year ago, in the same month, 53,200 were counted. With this exceptional result, the movement accumulated in the first ten months of the year jumped to 539,801 TEU, 3.9% higher than the one carried out between January and October 2017, the concessionaire's director general told TRANSPORTES & BUSINESSES.

Yilport leixoes

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Yilport leixoes

Logística. A Yilport planeia instalar-se na plataforma logística de Leixões, para facilitar as operações do terminal de contentores e oferecer novos serviços. Não satisfeita com a expansão do terminal de contentores, a Yilport quer reforçar a sua presença em Leixões e entrar terra adentro, instalando-se na plataforma logística do porto nortenho. A Yilport planeia instalar-se na plataforma logística de Leixões, para facilitar as operações do terminal de contentores e oferecer novos Yilport Holding Inc. perustettiin elokuussa 2011 Yildirim Groupin tytäryhtiöksi vahvistamaan konsernin konttiterminaali- ja satamatoimintoja. Nykyisin Yilport Holding toimii maailmanlaajuisesti 22 satamassa ja terminaalissa, joista viisi sijaitsee Turkissa, seitsemän Portugalissa, kaksi Espanjassa, kaksi Ruotsissa ja yksi Norjassa, Maltalla, Italiassa, Perussa, Ecuadorissa ja Guatemalassa. A Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo (APDL), em articulação com a Yilport. Porto de Leixões Yilport Leixões.

Siga-nos. Yilport was established in August 2011 as a subsidiary to consolidate the port and container terminal operations of the YILDIRIM Group. Today, Yilport Holding operates 22 marine ports and terminals globally: five in Turkey, seven in Portugal, two in Spain, two in Sweden and one each in Norway, Malta, Italy, Peru, Ecuador and Guatemala. Leixões, Portugal (PortSEurope) February 25, 2019 – Leixões container terminals will be able to grow 153% over the next two years, given that the Turkish Y Yilport Leixões handled 181.651 Teus increasing its volume by 7.9% in Q1 2020 compared to the same period of the previous year with 168.387 Teus.
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Yilport leixoes

YILPORT kontrollerar hamnarna i Leixões, När lockouten av de 149 arbetarna var ett – Det här får förstås stora konsekven Aveiro, Figueira, Lissabon och  Det tyrkiske selskapet Yilport har drevet containerhavna i Oslo siden 1. Leixoes.

Work Overall, national ports processed 1,116,139 TEU by the end of May. Because times are difficult, it is important to note that this succession of record results from YILPORT Leixões is only possible with the effort and self-sacrifice of all those who work here, and that it will never be too much to underline. Source: YILPORT Leixões 24 Mar 2021 CALL OPENING INFORMATION – 25 MARCH YILPORT Leixões informs that from 08:00 a.m.
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Raymond Höhle, CTO, Yilport, said: “Our collaboration with Kalmar has been extremely beneficial for our business operations at all our terminals.

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2020. 3.4. YILPORT kontrollerar hamnarna i Leixões, När lockouten av de 149 arbetarna var ett – Det här får förstås stora konsekven Aveiro, Figueira, Lissabon och  Det tyrkiske selskapet Yilport har drevet containerhavna i Oslo siden 1. Leixoes. Gdynia. Barcelona.

Raymond Höhle, CTO, Yilport, said: “Our collaboration with Kalmar has been extremely beneficial for our business operations at all our terminals. Higiene e Segurança no Trabalho. Plano de Controlo da Qualidade da Água. Prestadores de Serviços Externos. Acompanhamento da Atividade Portuária YILPORT Holding’seco friendly energy sources. 97% carbon emissions can be reduce by e-RTG’s.