vår sökguide för PsycInfo - Ersta Sköndal Bräcke högskola
Databaser A-Ö: P - Ämnesguider Subject guides
I Psycinfo är det bästa sättet att söka i regel att använda det begrepp som subject headings, controlled terms, controlled vocabulary eller thesaurus i Collection, PsycINFO och SocINDEX. Elite,Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, PsycINFO, DE = Term from the thesaurus. av L Broman · 2016 — PubMed och PsycINFO har sökningar genomförts för att finna relevanta sökordet som fanns som indexord i Thesaurus men när det användes gavs få och. I databaserna Pubmed och PsycINFO användes både ä 1 Qualitative study Fritext 2 Refugees OR “Asylum seek*” Thesaurus 220598 5475 av L Andrée — PubMed och PsycInfo, vilket innebär att färre databaser genomsöktes för DE = Kontrollerade ämnesord från ASSIA:s thesaurus. 6 Artikelsökning PsycInfo .
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2021-3-11 · DE: Non-Thesaurus Subject Headings [Display Only] The Non-Thesaurus Subject Headings (DE) field contains entries from the subject heading that are no longer actual terms in the Thesaurus. This field is indexed via the Subject Headings (SH). Back : DJ: Date of Doctoral Thesis [Word Indexed] 07.pd. Search Guide for PsycINFO on DIALOG Command Search Mode Page 1 of 4 RANK DE RANK AU Use the Thesaurus Use the EXPAND command to access the Thesaurus Explode (search a descriptor with 3. Use the electronic Thesaurus to find descriptors that represent the first concept. PsycINFO 美国心理协会心理学期刊文摘索引数据库 PsycINFO是美国心理学协会创建的世界著名的心理学期刊文摘索引数据库,提供行为研究与社会学研究领域的顶级资源,收录了1597年以来60多个国家和地区,29种语言,2300多种心理学领域的期刊,99% FAQ om PsycINFO.
Domaines Pour l'utiliser, cliquez sur l'onglet "Thesaurus" et entrez un mot. Cinahl Subject Headings.
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Sociological Abstracts: zie LLBA + In onderwijssetting stelt sociological abstracts vaak teleur omdat ze belangrijke werken lijken te In the EBSCO databases, the indexes can be found in the toolbar above the search boxes. Look for the Indexes link..
Databaser A-Ö: P - Ämnesguider Subject guides
This includes how to search and browse EBSCO host, as well as how to use the result list to limit your results and read the full text of articles. 2021-02-19 · Using the APA PsycINFO Thesaurus. To find the subject headings to use when searching PsycINFO, click on the "Thesaurus" tab at the top of the screen. In the Thesaurus search box type your keyword for the concept for which you wish to search. Click the button in front of "Relevancy Ranked." The same article in PsycINFO, here the thesaurus terms are called Subject Headings.
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PsycINFO: Thesaurus PsycInfos ämnesordslista kallas Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms och innehåller mer än ord.
e Example A: Subject heading Example B: Thesaurus entry The thesaurus
PsycINFO columna1 Recurs consorciat Recursos d'informació electrònica. Fitxa Llicències d'ús Bases de dades Imprimir No aplica Descarregar No aplica Còpia per arxiu No aplica columna2 Accés perpetu No aplica Usuaris visitants/walk-in users Contracte
2005-8-29 · How to use PsycINFO This guide provides information on the following topics: - This will open the Thesaurus window, where you will find a list of suggested Subject Terms that you can choose from. (DE “Psychosurgery”) is reflects the Subject Term search. 2021-3-11 · DE: Non-Thesaurus Subject Headings [Display Only] The Non-Thesaurus Subject Headings (DE) field contains entries from the subject heading that are no longer actual terms in the Thesaurus.
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Tid. 02:49. PsycInfo. PsycInfo - att använda thesaurus och avgränsningar i en databas.
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See our Search Tips Accès réservé à la communauté de l'Université de Nantes B (LLTB) · Thesaurus Linguae Graecae · E-CRINI - Centre de recherche sur les identités nationales Bases de datos ordenadas por lista alfabética de títulos. Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (Monopuesto en la Biblioteca del Campus de Álava); Thomson Reuters Actualités des ressources électroniques. Thesaurus Linguae Latinae online indisponible jusqu'au 1er mars · Nouvel abonnement électronique : Oxford English 19 May 2020 the Social Sciences.
Una muestra de 433 resúmenes publicados en la PsycINFO entre 1887 y 1998 the inclusion of the different risk descriptors in the Thesaurus of Psychological PsycInfo. PsycInfo en bref. Type de données : références bibliographiques. Domaines Pour l'utiliser, cliquez sur l'onglet "Thesaurus" et entrez un mot. Cinahl Subject Headings. PsycInfo thesaurus.