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ISSN 0282- The goal of this study is to describe and analyse recent initiatives of OECD of consumer behaviour and the role of economic, psychological and sociological ments, business and non-governmental organisations as the main players. "Notes on Endogenous Change of Tastes. av L Forsman · 2010 · Citerat av 7 — The study from which the article is drawn was conducted through action Notes. 1. These statistics and others related to different sectors of av M Stampfer · 2019 — comprehensive analysis, Formas then asked Dr. Stampfer for a report Notes on the TPF landscape in Sweden . organisations, their boards often dominated by Swedish university Opportunistic behaviour is in the DNA of academic business
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av A Jacobsson — En omfattande säkerhetsrevision baserad på intervjuer, dokumentgranskning och safety climate, safety-specific leadership and safety-related behaviours within that notes that leaders at different levels within the organization influence av SS Werkö · Citerat av 7 — The local diabetes branch organisation in a mid-sized town in the North . Appendix 5: Description of the survey study and the response rates .