ALUWAVE AB Info & Löner Bolagsfakta


ALUWAVE AB Info & Löner Bolagsfakta

I vår produktions- och logistikanläggning på Hönö i Göteborgs skärgård utvecklas och produceras kundanpassade lösningar som sedan distribueras vidare till ett stort antal mottagare. Aluwave, OLP develops light system using LED and fiber optics Optimal Light Partner (OLP) has developed a patented fiber-optic light system that enables a powerful light source to be mounted separately from where the light leaves the lamp. Om Aluwave Aluwave är ledande inom skräddarsydda belysningslösningar och finns i Sverige och Kina. Med en omfattande LED-kompetens, tre moderna produktionsanläggningar och ett globalt distributionsnätverk är de väl positionerade att fortsätta leverera komplexa belysningslösningar till sina kunder. Effektiv allroundarmatur LED IP44 i hög kvalitet Vitlackad plåtstomme och kupa i akryl. Med utbytbara LED moduler. Armaturen är överkopplingsbar med plintar i båda ändar (5*1,5mm2).

Aluwave led

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Ytterligare kommentarer:  När Aluwave stänger böckerna för 2017 kan man konstatera ett år präglat av leverantör av kundanpassade moduler och system baserat på lysdioder, LED. Aluwave AB. Develops and sells LED technology based lightening modules. LumenRadio AB. Wireless technology for lightening solutions. Aluwave AB. Okategoriserat.

Neo-Neon is to start making LED chips, Epistar has filed a patent lawsuit against Huga, SemiLEDs has bought lithography tools from Ultratech, and Aluwave and OLP have developed a light system using LED and fiber optics.

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Pluto LED Plafond 15W HF Sensor Grundljus Lämplig till: WC, förråd, städ Aluwave Bergfotsgatan 9 431 35 Mölndal Sweden. Kontakta Oss. 031-878807 ”As the LED-technology provides a range of possibilities to fine- tune the light experience and as it is new to many luminaire suppliers, the decision to start up a production of our own was very logic”, says Jonas Stålhandske, CEO at Aluwave. Aluwave is a fast-growing company based in Sweden that provides customized LED-modules and fixtures to the lighting industry thanks to its extensive design library and in-house production, both in Sweden and in China. The success of the company is a result of its background in cooling of electronics.

Aluwave led

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Aluwave led

--> Klicka här & du finner alla Nyteknik:s Artiklar & Nyheter om Aluwave i Nyteknik:s öppna nyhetsarkiv. 21 feb 2014 Aluwave, ett svenskt och snabbväxande bolag, erbjuder unika LED-lösningar till kunder i belysningsbranschen och industrier med specifika  About us. Aluwave is a leader in customized lighting solutions. With an extensive design library and LED competence, three state of the art production facilities  Robert Andersson +46 (0)705 17 87 10.

Menestyjät 2018 - OEM Finland Oy. Suomen vahvimmat 2019 OEM Finland Oy. Aluwave is a leader in customized lighting solutions. With an extensive design library and LED competence, three state of the art production facilities and an excellent global distribution network, we are well-positioned to continue delivering complex lighting solutions to OEM, wholesalers & distributors. Aluwave is a fast-growing company based in Sweden that provides customized LED-modules and fixtures to the lighting industry thanks to its extensive design library and in-house production, both in Sweden and in China.
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Aluwave led

The contract value is estimated to 10 MSEK over four years and the unnamed customer is a European based multinational lighting manufacturer. Aluwave deliver customized LED modules for various lighting companies, which in turn supplies finished products to market.

Our editors independently research, test, and recommend the best products; you can l ALUWAVE AB. 556547-5695 Styrelse. Här kan du se alla registrerade medlemmar i styrelsen för ALUWAVE AB. MELA LED Smart electronic Solutions AB. Aluwave AB (556547-5695).
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The success of the company is a result of its competence in cooling of electronics which is vital to LED systems as the heat tolerance of light emitting diodes is low. Pluto LED Plafond 15W HF Sensor Grundljus Lämplig till: WC, förråd, städ Aluwave Bergfotsgatan 9 431 35 Mölndal Sweden. Kontakta Oss. 031-878807 ”As the LED-technology provides a range of possibilities to fine- tune the light experience and as it is new to many luminaire suppliers, the decision to start up a production of our own was very logic”, says Jonas Stålhandske, CEO at Aluwave. Aluwave is a fast-growing company based in Sweden that provides customized LED-modules and fixtures to the lighting industry thanks to its extensive design library and in-house production, both in Sweden and in China. The success of the company is a result of its background in cooling of electronics. ALUWAVE AB,556547-5695 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, varumärken, adress mm för ALUWAVE AB LED Panel Meco; Eris LED plafond 8W; Miljöbilder; Kontakt . Pollux underskåpsarmatur Aluwave Bergfotsgatan 9 431 35 Mölndal Sweden.

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På hittar du kontakt-och företagsinformation, nyckeltal, lön till VD & styrelse m.m. ALUWAVE AB Qingdao Aluwave Lighting Co Ltd MELA LED Smart electronic Solutions AB 14 anställda Omsättning 60 662 tkr Resultat 1 102 tkr Om oss Annonsera Villkor Om cookies Integritet Bloggen Ta bort uppgifter Ansvarig utgivare: Christian Nilsson, utsedd av Merinfo Sverige AB Deep down in the sea on the west coast of Sweden, the diatom algae grow. Due to the harsh conditions, the algae developed unique qualities. The Swedish Algae Factory is the company that through research has managed to make use of these qualities and develop products that reduce the usage of chemicals, emit less CO2 and at the same time clean the oceans. Member of the Aluwave management team as a representative of the development department. Visa mer Visa mindre okt 2014 – okt 2016 2 år 1 månad. Gothenburg, Vastra Gotaland County, Sweden Development and production of LED lighting as sub suppliers for the lighting industry.

These guidelines explain what an LED c LED light strips are a great way to add light or color to those places that could use a little help.