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As managers and business schools are increasingly placing increasing emphasis on strategy implementation issues, a project management approach will undoubtedly become more compelling and thus more acceptable in a wide range of fields. Project facilitation as an active response to tensions in international development programmes John Lannon ∗, John N. Walsh Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Ireland a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: International development approaches Programme management Partnership Non-governmental organisations Adaptive management Tensions Project Management Journal. It is a quad-monthly basis scientific journal of studies focusing on the area of project management necessary to promote a balance between theory and practice, highlighting cases studies on different sectors. 2018-12-07 · International Journal of Construction Management Advancing the knowledge of construction management, including topics on built environment, construction economics, property law and risk management.
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748 gillar. IJASRM is an international peer-reviewed, open - access, online publication. av JAM Leyva · Citerat av 1 — Keywords: project definition phase, project management, management consulting, practices International Journal of Project Management, 16(2), 67-72. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRESS MANAGEMENT 2019;26(3):272-286.
Research has found that in slower-moving fields, two 2018-12-07 The International Journal of Managing Projects in Business seeks to advance the theory, research and practice of all aspects of project management. IJMPB is looking for top quality theoretical and empirical research with the aims of: promoting the understanding of project management and; encouraging the publication of novel project management insights using multidisciplinary approaches rooted For authors, reviewers, editors and board members.
International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and
30, pp. 490-502, 2012. S. E. Elmaghraby.
International Journal of Project Management - Lunds universitet
Recent International Journal of Project Management Articles. Recently published articles from International Journal of Project Management.
Its mission is to publish leading edge innovative research that significantly advances the field of project management and organizing. Published eight times a year it presents
The International Journal of Project Managementis the leading journal for the field of project management and organization studies. Its mission is to publish leading edge innovative research that significantly advances the field of project management and organi
Read the latest articles of International Journal of Project Management at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
International Journal of Project Management Open Access Articles The latest Open Access articles published in International Journal of Project Management. Collaboration and opportunism in megaproject alliance contracts: The interplay between governance, trust and culture - Open access Available online 6 April 2021
Recent International Journal of Project Management Articles Recently published articles from International Journal of Project Management. Collaboration and opportunism in megaproject alliance contracts: The interplay between governance, trust and culture - Open access
Read the latest articles of International Journal of Project Management at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
The focused audience of this international journal pf project management includes project practitioners, academicians, corporates, business leaders and other interested readers who seek to enhance their project management skills and practices.
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The International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, from Inderscience Publishers, addresses successful practice and theoretical research concerned with project management The International Journal of Project Management publishes a broad range of project management articles.
S Elonen, KA Artto. International journal of project management 21 (6), 395-402, 2003.
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Andreas Nilsson - Örebro University School of Business
2020 Vol.12 Mission. The IJISPM - International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management's mission is to disseminate new scientific knowledge on information systems management and project management, encouraging further theory and practice progress. What project management really is about: Alternative perspectives on the role and practice of project management January 2005 International Journal of Technology Management 32(3/4) Description The International Journal of Project Management and Productivity Assessment (IJPMPA) publishes new research, innovations, developments, and ideas in the areas of productivity, efficiency, and performance measurement and management, including new techniques, approaches, and related reflective analysis designed to improve individual, group, and organizational performance.
Karlos Artto - Google Scholar
7, Grupp 5, Littsem 3, Patrik Källback, Jonas Missaoui, A critical review of project management standardisation.
The Project Management Journal®'s mission is to shape thinking on the need for and impact of managing projects by publishing cutting-edge 2013-07-01 · International Journal of Project Management, 22 (3) (2004), pp. 183-191.