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Feb 1, 2019 Cantor Edwin Gerber served as hazzan of Ohr Kodesh Congregation in Chevy Chase, Maryland, for 35 years. He and his wife Barbara plan to  Congregation Har Shalom (Potomac, MD); Ohr Kodesh Congregation (Chevy Chase, MD); Lakelands Park across from Shaare Torah Congregation ( Gaithersburg,  Jun 30, 2014 Ohr Kodesh Congregation in Chevy Chase, Maryland where for three years he led the service twice a month between September and June. 2009 at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, Maryland, of emphysema. Homerville, Georgia and then Ohr Kodesh Congregation in Chevy Chase, Maryland. May 31, 2019 Funeral service will be held on Tuesday, June 4, 2019, 11 a.m.

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The home page of Ohr Kodesh Youth Groups and Family Programs. Kodesh is also commonly translated as 'holiness' and 'sacredness'. The Torah describes the Aaronite priests and the Levites as being selected by God to perform the Temple services; they, as well, are called "holy." Holiness is not a single state, but contains a broad spectrum. Thank you for choosing KODESH! KODESH was founded to help us navigate and better our yiddishkeit and service of Hashem. About Membership: 1. Full Membership includes family seats year-round.

Daily "minyanim" are a staple, and Shabbat and Jewish holidays provide many opportunities for the community to gather together for special programming.… Ohr Kodesh Early Childhood Center 8300 Meadowbrook Lane Chevy Chase, MD 20815 The ECC is required to call the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) for any symptoms of “Phase II” guidelines in Montgomery County.

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Ohr Kodesh Congregation . 8300 Meadowbrook Lane * Chevy Chase, MD 20815 .

Or kodesh maryland


Or kodesh maryland

Ohr Kodesh is a warm and welcoming congregation that is For many years, Ohr Kodesh had two schools operating simultaneously.

Passing on traditions and teachings to future generations. Caring.
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Or kodesh maryland

Abby Simms organized it with a few other mothers and Gary Simms coordinated with the board and by 1980 their oldest son, then 3-years-old, was one of 35 kids in the first class of the preschool, which now enrolls more than 100 children. OHR KODESH EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER 8300 MEADOWBROOK LANE CHEVY CHASE, MD 20815 301-589-3880 FAX 301- 495-4801 http://ohrkodesh.org/early-childhood-center Dear Families, Welcome to the Ohr Kodesh Early Childhood Center! When you enroll at our school you become part of a warm and inviting community. Ohr Kodesh Early Childhood Center 8300 Meadowbrook Lane Chevy Chase, MD 20815 301-589-3880 ohrkodesh.org/early-childhood-center. As of January 6, 2021 Page .

8300 Meadowbrook Lane. Chevy Chase, MD 20815. 301-589-3880 ohrkodesh.org/early-childhood-center. says Rabbi Lyle Fishman at Ohr Kodesh Congregation in Chevy Chase, Md., where the two were close colleagues for eight years between 2005 and 2013.
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Ohr Kodesh Congregation . 8300 Meadowbrook Lane * Chevy Chase, MD 20815 . Phone: 301-589-3880 * Fax: 301-495-4801. Purchasing Cemetery Plots from Ohr Kodesh (Updated: June 1, 2020).

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The history of the K. K. Jersey and eastern part of Maryland.

Værvarsel for Ohr Kodesh Congregational Synagogue, Maryland (USA) Sist oppdatert kl 20:24. Legg til mine steder Fjern fra mine steder. Værvarsel som PDF. Oversikt; Potomac, Maryland Supervise the youth department staff to coordinate all areas of responsibility. Responsible Assistant Director of Young Family Education & Programming at Ohr Kodesh Congregation. About Us The Waterfalls Chinese Auction is a fundraiser for Kollel Avodas Levi, the Kollel of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel. Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, Ner Israel Rabbinical College, is a premier Yeshiva in Baltimore, Maryland.