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The Pervasive Power of PowerPoint: How a Genre of
It isn’t really relevant to the use of images in presentations, but means that if you do create a derivative work, then you must license it under the same Creative Commons license as the original work. Every Creative Commons license also ensures licensors get the credit for their work they deserve. Every Creative Commons license works around the world and lasts as long as applicable copyright lasts (because they are built on copyright). These common features serve as the baseline, on top of which licensors can choose to grant additional permissions when deciding how they want their work to be used. Adding Licenses to Office Documents After the Office Addin is installed, the File menu will contain a Creative Commons command.
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The first prerequisite is very easy to determine. This chooser helps you determine which Creative Commons License is right for you in a few easy steps. Creative Commons License Chooser Demo, by Sarah Moorhouse is licensed CC BY Step 4: Add the License to Your Work It is important to add your preferred Creative Commons (CC) license to your document. This will mean that anyone viewing your thesis document via a Google search will clearly see the license terms you have assigned and permitted uses. By default, PowerPoint will display all images available with the Creative Commons Only option which means that you can use these pictures under the Creative Commons License in your presentations. Every Creative Commons license requires giving appropriate credit.
under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license 29 Sep 2016 Sources for free public domain and creative commons pictures for on Google” might suffice for a PowerPoint presentation with 30 students in a in the public domain or listed under various Creative Commons licenses. 15 May 2020 Then only images with such a license will display.
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For that reason, always collect and save evidence (screenshots, for example) of the license terms, where you sourced them, and how you met them. This permission cannot be taken away, as long as you follow the licence terms. Creative Commons licences allow creators to mix-and-match restrictions that apply to their works.
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Creative Commons License Chooser Demo, by Sarah Moorhouse is licensed CC BY Step 4: Add the License to Your Work It is important to add your preferred Creative Commons (CC) license to your document. This will mean that anyone viewing your thesis document via a Google search will clearly see the license terms you have assigned and permitted uses. By default, PowerPoint will display all images available with the Creative Commons Only option which means that you can use these pictures under the Creative Commons License in your presentations. Every Creative Commons license requires giving appropriate credit. It’s important to understand this, and to also know what this phrase “appropriate credit” means. A Creative Commons licensor (the person granting you the license) may not revoke your license so long as you are following the terms of the license. This is often a sticking point because many do not provide credit as required.
Ett gåsspel på 7 minuter med PowerPoint · LÄS MER. Dr. Ivano Anemone. Neuropsykologisk psykolog. Momsnummer: 12727841004 Tel: +393920153949. 5 maj 2008 — [1] powerpoint presentation kopplad till denna text! Utarbetat med stöd [2] http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/se/.
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2020-01-14 · If you don’t see a Creative Commons license on the work or the creator doesn’t tell you their work is free to use, you cannot use it. There are three ways to know if a work has a Creative Commons license: You see a Creative Commons icon like the ones above. The text says CC BY or another variation of the above licenses.
CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSES 2007, creative commons-Framza Patzig- by A. Diez Hierro is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 https://goo.gl/fEkLAr 2008, Creative Commons by AJC ajcann.wordpress.com licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 3. Creative commons license ppt. 1.
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If it allows distribution, there is no harm in using them. Just check out the permissions.
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An open before licensing with Creative Commons or other open content license. Dec 31, 2009 That means you can directly embed any Creative Commons license into a Creative Commons Add-In for Word, Excel and PowerPoint - it lets Mar 9, 2015 Applying a Creative Commons license to their work makes the public aware of what the owner freely allows others to do with it—without having made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licence. www. TESS-India.edu.in. OER origins.
Här kan du snabbt se Nov 7, 2015 - Hewlett_Creative Commons License - Abiss - authorSTREAM Presentation. Creative commons by carmenfi via authorSTREAM Presentation, Creative Powerpoint presentation for EME 5207 Designing Technology Rich Vad är Creative Commons?