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Vibrations and heat may cause liquid inclusions to expand, shattering the stone. Instead, use a soft brush, mild detergent, and warm water. See our main gem listing on tourmalines as well as our gemstone jewelry care guide for more recommendations. As one of the leading foreign banks operating in the country, it provides a full range of banking services and products to clients through its local relationship management teams in conjunction with BNP Paribas’ worldwide specialist Business Lines.


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Paraiba Tourmaline is also known as cuprian elbaite. It is one of the rarest gemstones of the word. Its rarity, beautiful neon-blue shade and its glow make it one of the most expensive semi-precious gemstones. It has different colors like green, blue, and violet etc.

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Quick View. Out of stock. Diamond And Jewellery Paraiba Tourmaline Earrings $ 1,599.00. Sale! Add to wishlist.

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