Immunovia AB - Avanza intervjuar Mats Grahn, VD Immunovia
Immunovia till börsen - MedTech Magazine
Conference Call Participants. Lars IMMray-plattformen har potential att radikalt förbättra cancerdiagnositiken« — Mats Grahn, vd Immunovia Mats Grahn, vd Immunovia Mats Grahn, ni kommer nu att optimera testalgoritmerna för att möta förväntad prestanda för den kommersiella versionen av IMMray PanCan-d för tidig upptäckt av cancer i bukspottkörteln. Mats Grahn is Former Chief Executive Officer at Immunovia AB. See Mats Grahn's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. LUND, SWEDEN – Immunovia AB (publ) (“Immunovia”), today announced that the Board of Directors has appointed Patrik Dahlen as new CEO starting November 1, 2020.Patrik Dahlen has extensive experience as previous CEO of several diagnostic companies and succeeds Mats Grahn who has successfully brought the company from development to commercial stage over the last seven years.
For the past more than 7 years, Mats Grahn has been the CEO of Immunovia AB and built up the company from the ground up. Mats Grahn, CEO Immunovia being interviewed after the Small & Midcap Awards ceremony in Brussels, Belgium, November 17, 2016 Interview with Immunovia – 2016-11-17 Presentation from World Pancreatic Cancer Day in Lund, November 17, 2016: Immunovia, Mats Grahn CEO, presents at the Jefferies’ 10th annual Global Healthcare Conference in London, UK on November 20 2019 Live audio webcast of the presentation can be accessed via The presentation will be available for approximately 90 days. February 2021. Immunovia AB published the company’s Full Year Report 2020 on Wednesday, February 17, 2021, at 4.00 p.m. CET. Laura holds a PhD in Biochemistry from Umeå University, Sweden, a MSc in Biochemistry and a BSc in Biotechnology.
Immunovia, Teleconference, 2018. October 8th 2018 15:00 (Europe/Stockholm). Language: English.
Immunovia ökar förlusten under fjärde kvartalet - Fill or Kill
It's a pleasure to welcome you to this quarter one report from Immunovia. And we will today after this slide also go through the Immunovia has achieved a major milestone; their commercial test model study recently showed that their blood test had a 95% accuracy for pancreatic cancer, and the company is now on track for commercialization of the IMMray PanCan-d commercial biomarker signature. For the past more than 7 years, Mats Grahn has been the CEO of Immunovia AB and built up the company from the ground up. Mats Grahn, CEO Immunovia being interviewed after the Small & Midcap Awards ceremony in Brussels, Belgium, November 17, 2016 Interview with Immunovia – 2016-11-17 Presentation from World Pancreatic Cancer Day in Lund, November 17, 2016: Immunovia, Mats Grahn CEO, presents at the Jefferies’ 10th annual Global Healthcare Conference in London, UK on November 20 2019 Live audio webcast of the presentation can be accessed via
Klivet upp för Immunovia - Life Science Sweden
Conference Call Participants. Lars IMMray-plattformen har potential att radikalt förbättra cancerdiagnositiken« — Mats Grahn, vd Immunovia Mats Grahn, vd Immunovia Mats Grahn, ni kommer nu att optimera testalgoritmerna för att möta förväntad prestanda för den kommersiella versionen av IMMray PanCan-d för tidig upptäckt av cancer i bukspottkörteln. Mats Grahn is Former Chief Executive Officer at Immunovia AB. See Mats Grahn's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. LUND, SWEDEN – Immunovia AB (publ) (“Immunovia”), today announced that the Board of Directors has appointed Patrik Dahlen as new CEO starting November 1, 2020.Patrik Dahlen has extensive experience as previous CEO of several diagnostic companies and succeeds Mats Grahn who has successfully brought the company from development to commercial stage over the last seven years. Immunovia AB (publ) Board of Directors.
With more than 15 years experiences in leading commercial positions within the life science and diagnostics industry, Laura contributes with an extensive experience in business, organization and strategic development, sales, strategic and tactical marketing, product management and
Mats Grahn is Former Chief Executive Officer at Immunovia AB. See Mats Grahn's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. Immunovia has achieved a major milestone; their commercial test model study recently showed that their blood test had a 95% accuracy for pancreatic cancer, and the company is now on track for commercialization of the IMMray PanCan-d commercial biomarker signature. Immunovia AB (publ) (OTCPK:IMMVF) Q2 2019 Earnings Conference Call August 23, 2019 10:00 PM ET Company Participants.
Nya annonseringsregler upphandling
of Immunotechnology within CREATE Health Translational Cancer Center, Lund University, in 2010, and a MSc in Chemistry Engineering in 2004. Linda has more than 15 year’s experiences of recombinant antibody microarray technology, the Immunovia platform. Mats Grahn har förbundit sig till nya lock up-restriktioner om 12 månader från dagens datum. Mats Grahn, VD för Immunovia, har idag meddelat bolaget att han sålt 48 000 Immunovia-aktier, motsvarande 11,6 procent av sitt innehav i Immunovia. Aktierna har sålts till kursen 168 kronor per aktie.
– Det är ett bevis på att vi har vuxit snabbt och kontrollerat, säger vd Mats Grahn. För mer information, vänligen kontakta: Mats Grahn. VD, Immunovia.
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Immunovias VD Mats Grahn säljer 48 000 Immunovia-aktier till
27 Aug 2020 He replaces Mats Grahn, who led Immunovia from development to commercial state in the course of seven years. He has now been nominated 16. Aug. 2019 kommentiert Mats Grahn, CEO von Immunovia. „Daher sind wir hocherfreut über die Zusammenarbeit mit der Chirurgie des Uni-Klinikums 16 Feb 2016 test such as IMMray™ SLE,” Immunovia CEO Mats Grahn said in a press release. Immunovia is now expanding the applications of IMMray™, 30 nov 2017 Mats borde snart bytas ut va?
Immunovia till börsen - MedTech Magazine
Immunovia AB (publ) Board of Directors.
Information om en extra bolagsstämma kommer att publiceras separat under tredje kvartalet 2020. Mats Grahn (1962) Mats holds a MSc in Engineering Physics from Lund University, Sweden. He brings more than 25 years experiences in senior leading positions within the life science and diagnostics industry. Immunovia, vd Mats Grahn presenterar på Life Science Seminar 24 november 2017.