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Department of Education. Göteborg University, Sweden. Ming Fai Pang The study results illustrate that what students learn in a se-. Kärnan i learning study är variationsteori, en lärandeteori som utvecklats av bl a Ference Marton vid Göteborgs universitet. Lärande ses som en  Ference Marton, född 1939, är professor emeritus i pedagogik vid Göteborgs Marton, F., Lewis, D. C. & Wilss, L. A. (2004) A longitudinal study of learning for a  Kärnan i Learning Study är variationsteorin, som är en vetenskaplig teori, utarbetad av bla.

Ference marton learning study

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This book stems from more than 25 years of systematic research into the experience of learning undertaken by a research team trying to account for the obvious  Lo Mun Ling, Ference Marton. One important contribution of variation theory to learning study is that it brings the focus of the learning study sharply on the object   19 Jun 2012 In the 1970's, two Swedish scholars, Ference Marton and Roger Saljo, shifted the attention in learning research towards what students actually  Marton and Säljö (1984) observed the 'technification' phenomenon where students' study approaches to a task reflected the requirements of the task. Scouller (  Ference Marton 2004-05-20. Classroom studies of learning in schools.

The purpose of this paper is to argue that variation theory can serve as a guiding principle of pedagogical design., – Data from two case I slutet av 1900-talet utvecklade Professor Emeritus Ference Marton Learning study tillsammans med kollegor från Hong Kong University och Göteborgs Universitet. Learning study har sedan dess använts av många lärare, skolor och kommuner i Sverige och i andra länder och har visat sig vara framgångsrikt både för lärares och elevers lärande. FERENCE MARTON GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET PERNILLA MÅRTENSSON HÖGSKOLAN FÖR LÄRANDE OCH KOMMUNIKATION JÖNKÖPING KRITISKA ASPEKTER FRÅN VAD VAD I RELATION TILL ELEVERNAS FÖRSTÅELSE OCH LÄRANDE Att förstå olika representationer av riktningskoefficient och skärningspunkt i räta linjens ekvation - Att kunna matcha uttryck och linje departure for studies aiming at improving learning in pedagogical contexts.

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Skillnader mellan  This book stems from more than 25 years of systematic research into the experience of learning undertaken by a research team trying to account for the obvious  Ference Marton, född 1939, är professor emeritus i pedagogik vid Göteborgs Marton, F., Lewis, D. C. & Wilss, L. A. (2004) A longitudinal study of learning for a  Uppsatser om FERENCE MARTON LEARNING. Sök bland över En studie om hur några lärare arbetar med learning study i sin undervisning. M1-uppsats  This book stems from more than 25 years of systematic research into the experience of learning undertaken by a research team trying to account for the obvious  av A Kullberg · 2010 · Citerat av 132 — I am in deep gratitude to my supervisors, Ulla Runesson and Ference.

Ference marton learning study

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Ference marton learning study

1976. There appears ferences in the approaches to learnin Since 1968 his main research interest has been on student learning in higher Research on this topic was carried out initially by Ference Marton et al. (1984).

The book offers an answer in terms of the discovery of critical differences in the structure of the learner's awareness and critical Learning and Awareness (Educational Psychology Series) [Marton, Ference, Booth, Shirley] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Learning and Awareness (Educational Psychology Series) Ference Marton is Professor of Education at the Göteborg University, Sweden and Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. He is internationally known for introducing the distinction between deep and surface approaches to learning, for developing phenomenography as a methodology for educational research, and more recently for developing the variation theory of learning.
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Ference marton learning study

Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco,  Why gamers don't learn more: an ecological approach to games as learning Marton, Ference. London: Society for Research into Higher Education, 1974. Organizational Learning: A Theory of Action Perspective.

Marton, F. (1969) Evaluering av evalueringar. Rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen,. Göteborgs universitet  Författarpresentation 9; Förord 15; FERENCE MARTON; Om kapitlet 17; KAPITEL 1 Learning study i förskolan och förskoleklassen 23; MONA HOLMQVIST  av AD Oscarson · 2009 · Citerat av 77 — GÖTEBORG STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES 277.
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This book stems from more than 25 years of systematic research into the experience of learning undertaken by a research team trying to account for the obvious differences between more or less successful instances of learning in educational institutions. Ference Marton, Wai Ming Cheung and Stephanie W.Y. Chan distinguish learning study and action research from the perspective on the former in their paper ‘The object of learning in action research and learning study.’ They contrast two ways of addressing the questions ‘what is to be learned?’ and found that both action research and learning Buy Learning and Awareness (Educational Psychology Series) 1 by Marton, Ference (ISBN: 9780805824551) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

Ference Marton Göteborgs universitet

Institutionen för didaktik och pedagogisk. profession. E-post.

*FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Learning and Awareness (Educational Psychology Series) Ference Marton is Professor of Education at the Göteborg University, Sweden and Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. He is internationally known for introducing the distinction between deep and surface approaches to learning, for developing phenomenography as a methodology for educational research, and more recently for developing the variation theory of learning. This article reviews the work of Ference Marton and his group of researchers at the University of Goteborg in Sweden. It describes and explains research into: what students learn; how students approach studying; the relationship between approach to study and learning outcomes; what students understand learning to consist of; and whether it is referred to as “learning study” by Marton and Lo (e.g., Lo, 2012; Lo & Marton, 2012), who argued that teachers often have difficulty in putting theory into practice, and thus using a lesson as a point of departure can help teachers visualize how the theory can be applied in the classroom. It is perhaps the first paper to Among those who have studied the issue, researcher Roger Säljö, who, with Ference Marton, is at the origin of the concepts of surface and in-depth learning, is the first to have identified different conceptions of learning among adult students.