cam a a 4500 17149709 SE-LIBR 20161031110914.0
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Award Adalberto Viesca Sada - University of Monterrey Award Amorós Sport Society ´19. 4 research post-grades. ANECA: Associate Professor (Profesor Titular) The GIKA Annual Conference provides a platform for discussing challenges pertaining to contemporary issues in Innovation and Knowledge. The 5th GIKA Annual Conference, held in July 2015 at the University of Valencia, received submissions from more than 62 countries.
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Economies and Sustainability of Future Growth, Conference in Verona/Italy-Indexed journals As a researcher, it is highly important to participate at high-level conferences that would Innovation and Knowledge Academy conference (GIKA), in Spain. Abbreviated title, GIKA. Conference number, 6. Duration, 2016 Mar 21 → 2016 Mar 23. Location of event, Valencia.
INEKA (formerly GIKA) announces the 10th Annual International Conference in Verona/Italy. As participant in the Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Academy (INEKA) 2019 Conference, you will have the opportunity to publish in prestigious journals.
cam a a 4500 17149709 SE-LIBR 20161031110914.0
We are most grateful to the guest editors for their guidance and support, and also to the anonymous reviewers for their insightful recommendations, which have contributed to enhancing the quality of the paper. Conference Paper Global Innovation Index: Moving beyond the absolute ranking with a fuzzy-set analysis, GIKA Conference, Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy, Valencia, Spain March 2016 Malin H. Näsholm är docent i företagsekonomi med inriktning mot Management och studierektor i företagsekonomi vid Handelshögskolan, Umeå universitet.
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The 2014 GIKA Conference will be held in Valencia, Spain from 7 July to 10 July 2014. 6th Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy Conference (GIKA), 2016 Activity : Participating in or organising an event › Participation in conference Details
The GIKA Annual Conference provides a platform for discussing challenges pertaining to contemporary issues in Innovation and Knowledge. The 5th GIKA Annual Conference, held in July 2015 at the University of Valencia, received submissions from more than 62 countries.
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5th Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy Conference, GIKA in Business Information Processing, 222) (9783319222035): Palacios-Marqués, Daniel, june, 2019. 10th INEKA (Formerly GIKA) Conference VERONA Università degli Studi di Verona Via S. Francesco, 22, 37129 Verona VR. 11junAll Day1310th Professor Sascha Kraus (photo) from the Institute for Entrepreneurship received another Best Paper Award.
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Dimopoulos MA, Kastritis E, Bamia C, Melakopoulos I, Gika D,. Roussou M Conference of Rehabilitation in MS (RIMS). 11102007 - 14102007. gika. K: Placebo. Minskning av antal miktioner på 24h.
8th Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy is an annual Conference. This book contains the refereed proceedings of the 5th Annual Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy, GIKA 2015, held in Valencia, Spain, in July 2015. The theme of the conference was “New Knowledge Impacts on Designing Implementable Innovative Realities.” The GIKA conference offers a … GIKA, which stands for Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy, holds an international conference annually that provides a platform for discussing challenges pertaining to contemporary issues in innovation and knowledge.